What is financed?

I. Boats

  1. Types: SGB Finance and CGI Finance finance boats and yachts (motor yachts and sailing yachts from the pleasure boat sector; one-offs and prototypes are unfortunately excluded.
  2. Age of Boats: SGB Finance und CGI Finance finance used boats up to 30 years of age. Boat age and contract term should not exceed more than 35 years (exceptions possible on special demand).
  3. Further partners of go-boating: We are happy to work with further partners and banks of our network. This also applies if your enquiry does not comply with the above mentioned rules regarding type and age.

II. Countries

  1. CGI – and SGB Finance: CGI Finance and SGB Finance finance boats for go boating clients in Germany. Europe wide, CGI Finance and SGB Finance also finances clients from France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the UK.
  2. Other financial institutions: We also have close connections with other financial institutions allowing us to propose finance to clients in other countries including Austria, the Netherlands, Scandinavia and Switzerland.

III. Flags and Legal Systems

  1. German clients: These clients will be offered loan contracts under German law.
  2. Flags: Generally registries in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK are possible (exceptions on special demand).
  3. Legal systems: CGI Finance and SGB Finance provide contracts according to French, German, Italian, Spanish or English law depending upon the fiscal residence of the clients.
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Why finance? What is financed? Credit French leasing Dutch yacht financing